Helping Plan Providers

Plan Types we help Establish and Service


We specialize in qualified, non-ERISA retirement plans.

We provide retirement solutions for: 403(b) Plans 403(b) plans allow your employees to save money for retirement with tax benefits.

457(b) Plans Like 401(k) contribution limits are not coordinated with 403(b) and 401(k) plans; therefore allowing employees to save more.

3121 FICA Alternative Plans These plans give their part-time, temporary and seasonal employees a meaningful, defined contribution retirement plan as an alternative to Social Security.

401(a) Plans These plans are money-purchase retirement plans and available to corporations, self-employed individuals, sole proprietorships, partnerships, non-profit organizations, and government - public and private - employers. Contribution limits are not coordinated with 403(b) and 457(b) plans.

IRA This is an account available to individuals to save for retirement made available by the tax code. It is for persons under age 70 1/2 with earned income. An IRA complements an employer-sponsored retirement plan.DeRosa&Associates through National Life Group supports your efforts to provide sound retirement options and attractive benefits for your employees.




Whether you are a public, private or charter school, our retirement solutions are designed to help make plan administration easier while preparing teachers for a sound and secure future. Our strategies keep in mind that educators work hard to develop future leaders of tomorrow; so, we take pride in helping them plan for the retirement they envision and deserve.

That commitment is demonstrated through our LifeChanger of the Year program where we recognize and reward educators across the country for their contributions to their school, students, and community. LifeChanger 

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Government Employee Market

We help you build trusted relationships with your employees through the retirement benefits we offer. Together, let's partner to offer comprehensive education, experienced and knowledgeable financial professionals, and resourceful tools and calculators to deliver the retirement plan your employees deserve. We specialize in servicing small to medium sized plans. Nationally, National Life Group is the leading fixed indexed annuity provider in employer-sponsored plans.1 We understand the markets we serve which enables us to offer solutions that empower you and give your employees control over their retirement dreams.